Tescott Library Receives Donation Of Books
Earlier this year Mrs. Castillo received information about The Toys for Tots Literacy Program and responded. This week we were very excited when Tescott Library received 2 boxes of books and a letter stating:
It is with pleasure that I let you know that your organization has been chosen by your local The UPS Store location to be the beneficiary of the Toys for Tots LIteracy Program in our community.
The Toys for Tots Literacy Program is an initiative of the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation and The UPS Store Network. Monetary donations made at local The UPS Store locations to the Toys for Tots Literacy Program are used to purchase books for children.
Thank you for your support of Tescott Schools!

Read Across America 2021
celebration of Read Across America week, Horton Hears a Who by Dr. Seuss was the featured book.
Students observed doing Random Acts of Kindness, were nominated and their names put in a drawing.
Students talked about kindness and helping others because after all-"A person's a person, no matter how small!"
The drawing was held Friday with Henry being the winner.